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Let’s face it – life can get very messy. As much as we read magazines and blog articles, listen to Guru’s for “easy tips” to succeed, life does not really run in keeping with a step-by-step to do list.

Instead life can get just as unruly as your teenagers closet in a very short period of time. When life gets overwhelming I do a special routine that I call “Release Everything”

I take an hour, close my eyes and just go through everything one-by-one in my head and release it.  I envision all of the problems, worries and concerns as a cage of birds. And one-by-one I think of it and without trying to solve it, I set it free. I just release it.

Sounds strange right? How can you release something before it is solved?

Well the point is that when you see it fly away – it is going into a bigger arena where it can be solved or will just dissolve.

It is amazing how powerful this tool works. You are creating your own energetic clean slate. And when you do you are inviting a bigger power – your energetic field to sort it out on your behalf.

When I am in Release Everything mode I usually add in a phone/ social media fast – where I lay off of social calls for a day or sometimes more and I go out in nature.

This is like hitting the reset button and it is a huge accelerator in inviting the energetic grid to send you the best, most efficient and timely solutions possible.

So give it a try…

Release Everything… Just for an Hour

And you will see that what seemed like the hardest issues, soften and give way to the budding new directions and timeless solutions.

Would you be willing to “Release Everything?” for an hour? Give it a try and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.