For Keynote, Speaking, Podcast and Telesummits please email:
Mariana's Full Bio
Mariana Cooper (Mari!): Is the author of the new book, Tlle Aha! Factor: How to Use Your lntuitlon to Get What You Desire and Deserve. She Is the acclalmed host and executtve producer of the lnternatlonal Ahal Moments Radio Show whlch has over 120 eplsodes on ITunes, and the Aha! Moments World Telesummlts that reach over 95 countrles worldwlde.
Mariana Is a 3rd Generatlon lntultlve, vlslonary, mentor, speaker and the founder of Ahal Moments lnternatlonal, a global communlty and llfestyle brand dedicated to lnspirlng and educatlng people In comblnlng the full use of thelr lntultlve energles and practica! lifestyle strategles to live a truly Enllghtened Life.
As an Angel Therapy Practltloner and certified Advanced Medlum wlth Dr. Doreen Vlrtue for over 12 years and Mariana has performed thousands of readlngs and coaching sesslons for cllents around the world as well as on her radio shows. She also holds severa! other certificatlons to lnclude being a Kabballst and former Teacher wlth the Modern Mystery School as well as an Access Consclousness Bars Facilitator, Jlkiden Reiki Master and certtfied in the Silva Mind Method.
In addltion to her spiritual tralning Mariana has an MBA In Marketing and a BA In psychology and spent over 1 O years In Corporate America as an executlve and consultant worklng wlth businesses of ali shapes and sizes in the Fortune 100, Entertalnment, Non profit Industries as well as a myriad of small buslnesses and start ups.
Mari has appeared on large Telesummits, Radio and TV as well as published many audio and The Jntuitfv
Mariana's Short Bio
Mariana Cooper Is an lnternationally acclalmed lntultlve life strateglst and host of the Aha! Moments Radio Show and the Aha! Moments World Telesummlts. She has an MBA and a Bachelors degree in psychology. Mariana Is also a certlfied third-generatlon intultlve and channel who has helped thousands of clients through prlvate mentorshlp and readlngs, dynamlc workshops and a huge range of audio and video courses. For more lnformatlon, vlslt her website:
Press Photos:
The Aha! Factor US Book Cover

The Aha! Factor UK Book Cover

The Aha! Factor Back Cover



Listen to Episodes of Mariana hosting The Aha! Moments Radio Show here:
10 Sample lnterview questions
1. The phrase Aha Moment Is one that everyone uses, but what does lt actually mean?
2. In your book, The Aha Factor you dlscuss what you refer to as “The Anatomy of an Ahal Moment”, what does that mean and what are the steps to be aware of?
3. You are a 3 generatlon lntultlve, do you have to lnherlt a glft In order to really be able to detect and rely on your lntultlon?
4. You feel that there Is a speclal Energetlc Communlcatlon system that we are all born wlth, what does that mean ?
5. Where does our loglc fit in? Ooes lt make more sense to listen to our head over our lntultlon when lt comes to lmportant things?
6. You really feel strongly that people should follow thelr deepest longlngs and deslres to brlng thelr dreams to frultlon, that makes sense lndlvldually but why Is thls so important to the world at large?
7. What Is a simple way that people can start to access their “Energetlc Communlcatlon system” and actívate their Aha Factor?
8. How can people know that they really are gettlng accurate lnformatlon from their ECS and not Just somethlng they make up In thelr heads?
9. What Is a good way for someone to use thelr Aha Factor to help with real llfe lssues?
10. How long does lt take for people to see results and feel comfortable relylng on energetlc lnformatlon to help them ln their llves?